Five questions to ask yourself when preparing for a seamless cloud migration

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CreateFuture Nov 20, 2023
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Are you ready to transform your business via a cloud migration? It's a journey filled with potential, but it requires some strategic planning if the true potential of cloud is to be unleashed.

As businesses gravitate towards digital transformation, cloud migration stands out as a pivotal step for many. However, diving into this transition requires careful consideration before you build out your cloud infrastructure. Failure to do so could see your organisation struggling with spiralling costs, technical issues and completely missing out on some of cloud’s game-changing benefits.

So, what should you be considering before you start making a move to becoming a ‘cloud first’ organisation?

Here are five key factors to ponder:

1. Understanding Your Business Needs

Before embarking on a cloud migration, it's crucial to assess your business's unique requirements. Why do you want to make the move? What benefits will your business be getting from a migration? Consider the specific goals you want to achieve – be it cost reduction, improved scalability, or enhanced collaboration. A clear understanding of these objectives will guide you in choosing the right cloud services and ensure that the migration aligns with your overall business strategy.

2. Cost Management and ROI

Finally, consider the financial aspects. While cloud migration can offer cost savings, it requires a strategic approach to realise these benefits. Analyse the costs involved, including data transfer and ongoing expenses. Ensure that your migration plan is cost-effective and delivers a favourable return on investment.

3. Evaluating Your Current IT Infrastructure

Examine your existing IT setup. How will your current systems integrate with a cloud infrastructure? It's essential to identify which applications and data can be moved to the cloud and which might need to remain on-premises due to compliance or technical reasons. This evaluation will help in crafting a migration plan that minimises disruption to your operations.

4. Security and Compliance

Security is paramount - particularly when it comes to the sensitive data you’ll no doubt be handling for the organisation itself and its customers. Ensure that the cloud solution you’re considering complies with industry standards and regulations relevant to your business. It's vital to understand how your data will be protected, and what security measures the cloud provider offers, such as encryption and disaster recovery options.

5. Get the Experts In

Migrating to the cloud is no mean feat, given the multiple considerations and decisions you’ll have to make along the way. As a result, having access to the right level of cloud expertise within your organisation will be critical for a smooth transition. Given the complexity of the process, you might want to consider working with a digital consultancy that has a specialist team of cloud engineers to help you get your cloud journey off on the right foot. They’ll be able to advise you on your specific needs and save you time and money in the short and long term.


To get ahead in the cloud, you’ll first need to do your homework to understand what your business’s cloud requirements are, and what the practicalities of migration will mean for your operations. Never has the old adage ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ been more relevant. However, CreateFuture's team of specialist cloud engineers are on hand to collaborate and support you through every stage of your cloud journey - from discovery, and delivery, to optimisation.

If you’re keen to start your own cloud journey, download our latest guide or get in touch with Jamie Shields, CreateFuture’s Head of Cloud via the contact information below:
Email, or to book a call with him, click the link here.